Wine and Food Workshop

Susan Skinner
COST:    R410.00
VENUE:    Miele Lifestyle Centre, 63 Peter Place, Bryanston

The Wine and Food course focuses on food & wine combinations & its effect on taste. It is very informative and a lot of fun to follow. After a total-immersion workshop in which you participate, you have a jolly good idea of how to go about selecting a wine to go with a specific dish, you will also be able to partner wines and food with much more sa
• A cause and effect technical tasting (a wine tasted with the five different taste sensations).
• A short discussion on wine etiquette, glasses, wines accessories and wine styles.
• This is followed by eight (starter portioned) food dishes, which you will match and compare to eight different wines, ranging from different styles of white and red wines.
• Dishes include some of the traditionally “difficult” wine and food matches and we look at combinations that do work!