Elsenburg Wine Auction

Friday, 22 July, 2016
The nine final year students of the Elsenburg Cellar Technology course will go on an educational overseas visit to Portugal and France from 11 November – 6 December 2016. The students will be accompanied by winemaker and lecturer Lorraine Geldenhuys and assistant winemaker, Solomon Monyamane.

To raise funds for this occasion, two auctions will be held. The Stellenbosch auction will take place on Tuesday 26 July 2016 at Beyerskloof and the other in Johannesburg during September.

The aim is to raise R400 000 during the evening of 26 July 2016. If there is any money left over after the deduction of the tour, a certain amount will be donated to a charity of our choice (Tutors4Tomorrow) and planning has also begun to start a wine label for this specific group of students.

The lots of the auction are a combination of South African and International Wines as donated by the International Wine Challenge.

The cost of the food and drink for the evening is on the house, however, we ask that only those will attend that are truly interested to support these students on their overseas tour. Approximately 100 people will attend. Dress code is smart-casual.

Please inform us if you would like to make up a table. There are no specific sizes, but we will adjust the table size according to those interested in attending.

Any confirmation of attendance should be emailed to LorraineG@elsenburg.com by 4 July 2016 with a name, cellphone number and email address. 

Elsenburg Auction Lots : 26 July 2016
Pages 1 - 26
Pages 27 - 55