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Tuesday, 30 June, 2015
Proposed legislation requires compliance when issuing liquor licenses

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) recently issued a Liquor Policy Review containing proposed amendments to the National Liquor Act 59 of 2003 for public comment by 13 August 2015.

The Review proposed that the slow pace of transformation in the liquor industry should be addressed by giving the National Liquor Authority the responsibility to strictly monitor the compliance of liquor-related businesses with the set of Generic Black Economic Empowerment (so-called BBBEE) Codes of Good Practice. It is therefore proposed that, should a current license holder or new applicant not comply with these requirements, a license could be revoked or new application denied.

Although no indication has been provided as to which level of compliance is needed, it is generally presumed that it will be set at the minimum of level 8.

After comments have been submitted, further consultation will follow with the relevant representatives from ARA (Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol Use) – namely VinPro, Salba and SA Breweries – before the revised Liquor Policy Review will be presented to Cabinet.

Initial discussions between the industry and the DTI were in good spirit, after which the Department has made a concession to extend the commenting period from 30 days to 60 days. However, the DTI is very clear about the fact that they will not accept criticism of aspects in the Review, without the provision of suitable alternatives.

In the interim it is crucial that all liquor-related businesses take note of the possible implications should the legislation be implemented, as well as the correlation between the Generic BBBEE Code and the Agri-BEE code for the agricultural sector. Click here to download a set of questions and answers in this regard below.

Feel free to contact Johan Giliomee, VinPro manager of transformation and development for advice or enquiries at +27.21 276 0429 or


Kry Seb-Telkaart n Plek
Voorgestelde wet vereis voldoening vir uitreik van dranklisensies

Die Departement van Handel en Nywerheid het 20 Mei 2015 voorgestelde wysigings aan die Nasionale Drankwet 59 van 2003 uitgereik vir publieke kommentaar teen 13 Augustus 2015.

Die Department het hierin voorgestel dat die stadige vordering van transformasie in die drankbedryf aangespreek word deur aan die Nasionale Drankowerheid die gesag te gee om drankverwante besighede se voldoening aan die stel Generiese Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (sogenaamde BBBEE) Kodes van Goeie Praktyk streng te moniteer. Indien ’n huidige lisensiehouer of nuwe aansoeker nie voldoen aan hierdie vereistes nie, kan ’n lisensie teruggetrek of aansoek geweier word.

Hoewel geen aanduiding gegee is oor watter vlak van voldoening in plek moet wees nie, is die aanname is dat dit ’n minimum van vlak 8 is.

Die voorgestelde wysigings gaan tans deur ’n deeglike proses van kommentaar-indiening en verdere konsultasie met die relevante verteenwoordigers van ARA (die industrie liggaam vir die verantwoordelike gebruik van alkohol) – VinPro, Salba en SA Brouerye – voor dit aan die Kabinet voorgelê word.

Die gesprekke met die Departement was tot dusver in goeie gees, en die Departement was ontvanklik om die periode vir kommentaar van 30 dae na 60 dae te verleng. Die Departement het wel duidelik aangedui dat kritiek nie aanvaar sal word sonder die voorsiening van gepaste alternatiewe nie.

In die interim is dit noodsaaklik dat alle drankverwante besighede kennis neem van die moontlike implikasies indien die wetgewing bekragtig word, asook die verwantskap tussen die Generiese BBBEE-kode en die Agri-SEB kode vir die landbousektor. Sien hier vir ʼn stel vrae en antwoorde in die verband.

Kontak gerus ook Johan Giliomee, VinPro-bestuurder van transformasie en ontwikkeling vir advies of navrae by +27.21 276 0429 of


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Johan Giliomee, VinPro manager of transformation and development
Johan Giliomee, VinPro manager of transformation and development

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