Moreson Chenin Blanc 2003

Veritas 2003 - Bronze
This elegant, charming wine reminds a lot about ripe apples and peardrops on the nose. The well-balanced acid carries the fruit nicely on the palate.

Spicy food, Malay dishes and Indian dishes.

variety : Chenin Blanc [ 100% Chenin Blanc ]
winery : Moreson - CLOSED
winemaker : Anton Beukes
wine of origin : Coastal
analysis : alc : 14.0 % vol  rs : 1.4 g/l  pH : 3.27  ta : 6.1 g/l  
type : White  style : Dry   wooded
pack : Bottle  

Veritas 2003 - Bronze

ageing : 2 years from vintage

about the harvest: Hand picked at 24° Balling.

in the cellar : Settled very clearly before cold fermentation at 12 – 13°C. Lees contact for 3 months.

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Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc
Chenin Blanc