'AL(L)EEN' by Shany van den Berg

Grande Provence
TIME:    11h00
VENUE:    The Gallery, Grande Provence

‘A lifetime of meeting artists has taught me that their appearance and manner is almost always antithetical to their work but Shany is her art made flesh – austere and beautiful, fiercely intelligent, composed and elegant but with flashes of earthy humour, she could have stepped live from one of her paintings...
Watching an artist celebrate life and creation as they make us realize that both are also finite and final is a rare reward and this exhibition is a major achievement by one of our finest artists.’ – Trent Read, director of the gallery

A selection of two and three dimensional pieces by Shany van den Berg.

Opening Sunday 8 March at 11:00 at the Gallery at Grande Provence

For further information please contact the gallery on email gallery@grandeprovence.co.za or telephone +27.218768630.  To view this exhibition online go to www.finearts.co.za 

The Gallery is open from Monday to Sunday, between 10:00 and 18:00.

View more details online